Thursday, January 10, 2008


you'll be 8 months old tomorrow. i can't believe how fast it is all going by. my tiny baby is quickly growing into an independent toddler & i am having a hard time keeping up. these moments are so precious & i pray i remember every single one. the way your face gets so serious when you are trying to figure out a new task. the look of pride when you first crawled across an entire room. the twinkle of mischief in your eye right before you dive for the dog's tail. the sweet way you nuzzle my neck to let me know that i am the one that makes it okay. my little girl....

yesterday you pulled yourself up using me for support. soon you will be walking. like every milestone reached, i can't imagine how you are going to figure it out. but then i blink & you've done it again. so many things you are left to learn on your own, but what about the rest? do i have what it takes to be a good mother? can i teach you all the things you need to learn. will i be a good example of kindness & compassion. how do you teach someone else humility? i want so much for you & i pray that i am able to put myself aside & always do what is best for you.

1 comment:

In the thick of it said...

It's so wonderfully bittersweet, isn't it? I hold so tight to every single moment because they seem to pass before I can really absorb them. Jonah is 3 1/2, Tiffany! In a mere 18 months I will be walking him to his kindergarten classroom. As soon as I catch my breath and adjust to the new person Jonah has become, he changes again. This mom thing... it's impossible to put into words the level of love and joy and wonder and heartache.