Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Wild Animal Park & Baby Kisses

Penny's first playdate. She had no idea it was coming up, but I was excited enought for the both of us. She had never been around babies her age & I couldn't wait to see how she would respond to them. I knew she wouldn't care about all the animals.

We met at the Wild Animal Park in San Diego. Four mom's & 6 kids. We were aquantances from our birth board & already had so much in common. We clicked instantly & the day was a huge success.

The babies all loved each other. They touched faces & reached for each other's cheerios. They giggled & clapped, trying to outperform each other. We attempted to get a photo of them all sitting in a row, but inevitably one of them would crawl away.

As we said goodbye at the entrance to the park, we leaned Penny & Joey towards each other trying to encourage some good bye kisses. Little did I know my sweet, innocent babe was such a little flirt. She grabbed him by the back of the head, pulled him closer & licked his face! I've never been so proud.